Patricia's Patchworks


A geneology website


Reading Room
Message Board


Hello, my name is Pat and you are welcome to visit this site.

It has been created to share priceless information and pictures with family, extended family, friends,

and those in our world caught up in the fantastic process of geneological discovery.

I expect nothing inappropriate will be done to this site or with any of the information found within.

All information, pictures, graphics, or ideas should be appropriately credited.


Artist - Carolyn Watson


Life is like a patchwork quilt

And each little patch is a day

Some patches are rosy, happy, and bright

And some are dark and gray.


But each little patch as it's fitted in

And sewn to keep it together

Makes a finished block in this life of ours

Filled with sun and rainy weather.


So let me work on life's patchwork quilt

Through the rainy days and the sun-

Trusting that when I have finished my block

The Master will say "Well done."

-Elizabeth Ryan DeCoursey